Dogs are full of surprises! From their hilarious zoomies to their uncanny ability to know exactly when it’s dinner time, our four-legged friends have some fascinating quirks. But did you know that yawns can be contagious for dogs too? Or that their noses are as unique as human fingerprints? Here are some fun facts that make dogs even more amazing!

Dogs can “catch” yawns from humans
Ever yawned and noticed your pup yawning right after? Dogs are one of the few animals that exhibit contagious yawning, a behaviour linked to empathy. It’s their way of bonding with you.
A dog’s nose print is as unique as a fingerprint
Just like human fingerprints, a dog’s nose print is completely unique. The patterns of ridges
and creases make it a natural identifier - imagine if they could unlock phones with a nose boop!
Dogs have an amazing sense of time
They can’t read clocks, but dogs have an internal body clock. They use scent cues, routines and even the sun’s position to know when it’s dinner time or when you’re coming home.
What’s the quirkiest thing your dog does?
Share your stories with us on Instagram by tagging @petmedicalmilsonspoint
Brought to you by Pet Medical Milsons Point’s Dr Jo-Ann Chan BVSc.
Providing veterinary care with love and compassion.
Pet Medical Milsons Point 28 Alfred St S, Milsons Point
Phone: 8203 4390
Instagram: @petmedicalmilsonspoint